25 October 2007


The burden of their children's training must be borne by the parents alone. But let them bear it with easy grace and an erect carriage, as the Spanish peasant bears her water-jar.
-Charlotte Mason

It is too easy as a mother of many to be the noble martyr or falsely cheerful. My earnest prayer is that I learn to bear this delightful burden with easy grace.


The summer and early autumn have been full of change and activity. I have accumulated many stories that I hope to find time to post here.

Until then, let me leave you with our most special news: baby #7 is due April 30th, 2008!

We are deep into the name wars as I surface from the weariness and sickness of the first trimester. I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. So thrilled to see you posting again! Love your family pic in the header, though YOU are missing in it.
