06 January 2010

Pink or Blue?

Has everyone heard about the "Chinese conception chart" for gender prediction? I have no idea what it is based on but, for our family at least, it has been fairly accurate in predicting gender for our babies.

Here the score thus far:

Mara- I was too young at the time of conception to compare with the chart which is for ages 18 - 45.

Gavin- correct

Sirena- correct

Madelyn- correct

Sarah- correct

Mason- correct

Nolan- INcorrect

That leaves us with an 83% accuracy rate, if I exclude Mara. Before I reveal the charts predictions for this baby, we are taking guesses. I think I will turn it into a preschool craft project and make a paper chain of pink and blue links for each guess.

Leave your guess in the comments. And don't expect me to share my guess. You wouldn't want to side with me anyway; I am wrong almost as often as the chart is right.


  1. Gotta vote for another boy to help the old man and I haul deer outta the woods, start the morning fire, etc, etc...

  2. Grandma Dee votes blue. (but Blogger won't let her post!)

  3. Well...a bit late, but was so sure you were having a girl. :) What did you think?
