Nolan the Grublet is turning out to be quite an easy baby so far. Yes, he fusses but mostly because his diaper is full, his tummy is empty or because he is ready for another nap. He is a great sleeper which is all the more a blessing since life just keeps racing on. He is a smiley little guy and occasionally lets out a manly chuckle. The whole family gathers around him, making outrageous faces in the hopes of being the one privileged with a grin or a bit of cooing conversation. Tonight, his forehead is all sparkly from the glittery lip-gloss kisses of his big sister. This is one child who is not at all love or attention deprived!

See how he has grown?
These pictures were taken last week. (6.5 weeks old)

I can really see Mason in him, with a little bit of the Gavin face shape. What a dolly boy.
How is it that Bryan has such handsome boys???
ReplyDeleteLike my own, his kids must be blessed with strong maternal genes!