Months ago, she introduced her followers to a combination deal using Amazon Mom and the Subscribe and Save program. Amazon Mom members get 15% off certain baby products; Subscribe and Save offers another 15% discount. Translation: a box of Huggies diapers now costs ~ $23 instead of $37 at Costco. Of course, I never purchased the Huggies at Costco because the Kirkland brand was always cheaper, but this price blows even Kirkland's out of the water.
Roughly speaking, 1 box = 4 small packages which translates to 1 box @ $23 = 4 packages @ $5.75
If you are accustomed to buying your diapers at the grocery store, you know that even the generic diapers cost more than $5.75 a package!
But wait there's more! (I have always hated those commercials.) It is a sad day when I have to pay even $23 a box for diapers. If you haven't started using Swagbucks, START NOW. Swagbucks are points that you earn for searching the internet. They cost you nothing but the time you would already have spent searching google or bing or whatever search engine you normally use. The difference is that these points can be used to purchase oh, so many things, including Amazon gift cards. Even without referral points, I earn enough points to purchase one $5 gift card per month- which is about how often a box of diapers lasts at our house.
I should also mention that the Amazon deal includes free shipping! Cheap diapers that are delivered to my door? Does it get any better than this? Not unless a chef and maid are delivered with the diapers. If you find that deal, let me know.
Once in a while, an exceptional deal comes along. For example, the magazine "Parenting, The Early Years" has published "20% off one package of diapers at Amazon" codes in several issues this past year. Following FrugalLivingNW helped me find a subscription to that magazine for $2.99 per year; one 20% Amazon diaper coupon more than pays for the subscription.
Watch the discounts stack up! For illustration purposes, I am using Huggies Snug & Dry Diapers, Size 4, 140-Count since that is the size Evie wears.
Average month for one child: price...............................................................$33.59
after Amazon Mom plus Subscribe and Save discount..........$23.51
less my Swagbucks gift card................................................$18.51 or 13.2 cents per diaper
With the occasional Parents magazine discount: price...............................................................$33.59
after Amazon Mom plus Subscribe and Save discount..........$23.51
less the Parents magazine 20% discount code ($6.72).........$16.79
less my Swagbucks $5 gift card..........................................$11.79 or 8.4 cents per diaper
With the Living Social gift card: price...............................................................$33.59
after Amazon Mom plus Subscribe and Save discount..........$23.51
less my Living Social ($20 for $10) deal................................$3.51 at Amazon checkout
My true out of pocket cost for a box of diapers.................. $13.51 or 9.7 cents per diaper
(I could also add a filler item ($1.50 to $2.00) to bring the Amazon checkout total to over $5 and then use my Swagbucks card this month.)
If you are new to Living Social, you will receive a $5 credit, enabling you to pay only $5 for the $20 gift card. So your deal could look like this: price...............................................................$33.59
after Amazon Mom plus Subscribe and Save discount..........$23.51
less your Living Social ($20 for $5) deal...............................$3.51 at Amazon checkout
Your true out of pocket cost for a box of diapers................ $8.51 or 6.1 cents per diaper
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